Welcome to this crucial 1st annual conference on community health and wellness. Throughout this conference, we’ll explore a curriculum that is vital for the well-being of our communities and the future of our children. By providing these educational tools, we aim to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma, instill pride in cultural identity, and equip our youth with the skills needed for a healthy, resilient life.

We begin by acknowledging a hard truth: the majority of our children, both within reservation boundaries and in surrounding towns, are grappling with various forms of trauma, affecting them at school and at home. To address these challenges effectively, we must first understand their roots.

Our conference will unfold in several key stages:

  1. Historical Trauma: We’ll start by examining our collective past. This overview is essential not only for our community members but also for educators who may be unfamiliar with this history. Understanding our past fosters greater empathy and insight into the challenges our children face today.

  2. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): We’ll explore the profound impact of ACEs on our children and the wider community, shedding light on how early experiences shape future outcomes.

  3. Epigenetics and Intergenerational Impact: We’ll delve into the fascinating field of epigenetics, uncovering how historical trauma continues to influence our children and youth on a biological level.

  4. Neuroscience of Trauma: You’ll learn about brain function, particularly how stress and trauma affect learning. We’ll discuss strategies to transition our children from operating in ‘survival mode’ to a state conducive to learning and growth.

  5. Healing Practices: Finally, we’ll introduce trauma healing exercises that have shown remarkable results in inner-city schools across the nation.

Throughout this conference, we’ll be exploring ‘Life Skills for the Young Lakota/Dakota and Wolakota/Wodakota – Life Skills for Teens.’ This culturally-based curriculum takes a holistic, medicine wheel approach to healing, developing the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of our children and youth.

Join us on this journey of understanding, healing, and empowerment. Together, we can forge a path toward a healthier future for our children and our communities.